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byWM, our Services

We are active on many niche markets and social media.


A site with photos and information of places where I went.

ArchiVision Directory News and Info

Many subject like computer stuff and health are covered on this website.


Discography of many artists, songs, albums and compilations all in one online dadatabase

Google products reviewed

Great Google products reviewed.


On this website counts information about the newest LED-LCD, OLED, plasma, LCD and laser TV's. The website counts also information about HD-TV and Blu-ray.

Movies in the Picture

Reviews of movies and series.

De Cavalier King Charlie's Spaniel

Learn all about this cute pet: care, species, colors, history, symptoms, characteristics and character.

Media Monkey Pro en Contra

The best media player that exists? All advantages and disadvantages in a row.

Best free antivirus software

Free antivirus scanners reviewed.

How to become a professional bowler

Learn everything about the bowling game and become a professional. Here you learn the art of bowling. This website is for beginners and professionals.


Website with jokes and grolls, just laugh.

Out of time - No time

See you how you can work out an time-management in 10 steps.


More and more electrical appliances work with radiation, but is this healthy for our modern man and our children?

Stamp Catalog for free

Free catalogue of stamp from over the whole world.

Belgisch Arbeidsrecht

Everything about Belgian labor law.

Drawing Factory

Free 2D and 3D drawings: cars, people, animals, furniture, iron profiles,...

Photo Collectionz

Photo collections about architecture, nature, history ....

Notaris Info

Everything about the legal, financial and notarial side of a house, purchase and rent.


Information about the building process and everything that comes with it.

Architects and Building Engineers

Information about architects and building engineers from different country's.

Supercars reviewed (EN)

The supercars of today and tommorow. Behold their beauty and power.

Car Models

View all the car models for every car brand.

Baby names, birth names

Names for Boys and girls.

Banners & Banners

Some free banners free to use.

Calendars of the Future

The calendars of the nearby future available here.

China Booming

Everything about this powerful nation.